Red Seal Cook

Category - Baked Goods and Desserts

Cooked sugar reaches the soft crack stage at what temperature?
  1. 119 °C
  2. 125 °C
  3. 132 °C
  4. 149 °C
Answer: C - Sugar reaches the soft crack stage at 132 °C. If a thermometer is unavailable and the sugar needs to be tested using the ice water testing method, it will separate into a hard thread that is not brittle. A few degrees difference will affect sugar’s concentration so it is imperative that cooked sugar be closely monitored in order to achieve the desired concentration.
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Additional Answers

Ted Chan, MBA says:

Hard-Crack Stage is a cooking term meaning that a sugar syrup being heated has reached 149 – 154 C (300 – 310 F.) It is a test of how hot a sugar syrup is, and of how much water is left in it. At this point of heating, the sugar concentration in the syrup is 99%.

Ted Chan says:

The soft crack stage is used for making candies such as saltwater taffy, nougat, toffee, and butterscotch.

Ted Chan says:

The soft crack stage is used for making candies such as saltwater taffy, nougat, toffee, and butterscotch.

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