Red Seal Cook

Category - Baked Goods and Desserts

What is the difference between a panna cotta and a bavarois?
  1. A panna cotta is thickened and set with gelatin, while a bavarois is thickened only with egg yolks.
  2. A bavarois is cooked on the stovetop and whipped cream is then folded into the cooled mixture before it is transferred to molds to chill and set;a panna cotta is cooked on the stovetop and then immediately transferred to molds to chill and set
  3. There is no difference - they are the exact same dessert, one just has an Italian name and one has a French name
  4. A panna cotta is made with only milk, and a bavarois is made with only cream
Answer: B - A bavarois is indeed cooked on the stovetop and whipped cream is then folded into the cooled mixture before it is transferred to molds to chill and set; a panna cotta is cooked on the stovetop and then immediately transferred to molds to chill and set

Panna cotta and bavarois use both milk and cream in their recipes, as well as the addition of gelatin. A bavarois is significantly lighter in texture than panna cotta due to the addition of whipped cream prior to molding and chilling.
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