DSST Human Resource Management Exam Prep - Question List

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56. What is the correct term for the process of identifying risks and taking effective steps to minimize them?
  1. Risk assessment
  2. Risk strategy
  3. Risk management
  4. Liability assessment

Mike runs a successful chain of ice cream shops and wants to gain some insight into his employees' goals, their job satisfaction, and to provide some career counseling to employees who want it. What would be the most effective method to do this?

  1. An employee survey
  2. Town hall meetings
  3. A skip-level interview
  4. Brown-bag lunches with store heads
58. Which of the following looks at individual units or departments within a company in order to reduce possible redundancies or processes with the overall goal of cutting corporate costs and increasing production?
  1. Corporate restructuring
  2. Reengineering
  3. Workforce reductions
  4. Mergers and acquisitions

Isa was recently hired as an outside sales rep for the Pacific Northwest region of a major book publishing company. As part of her selection process, she had to take an assessment test, on which Isa scored very well. During her initial interview, Lori, the hiring manager, had some concerns about how well Isa may fit into the publishing company's corporate culture. But when Lori learned about how well Isa did on the test, she immediately hired her. What bias could be in effect in this situation?

  1. Knowledge-of-predictor effect
  2. First impression
  3. Leniency bias
  4. Halo effect
60. Dixon is conducting a training session. During it, he would like it if everyone can observe each other, as well as the trainer. Which seating arrangement would best fit his needs?
  1. Classroom style
  2. U-shaped arrangement
  3. D-shaped arrangement
  4. Theater style

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