SPHR Human Resources

Category - Relations

Which of the following occurs during a jurisdictional strike?
  1. Employees who are not directly involved in an economic dispute choose not to cross a picket line out of support for striking workers.
  2. A union seeks to pressure an employer to assign particular work to its members, rather than to members of other unions or to non-union workers.
  3. The strike occurs even though the collective bargaining agreement contains a no-strike clause prohibiting striking during the duration of the agreement.
  4. A union seeks to pressure an employer to grant some sort of concession from the employer during collective bargaining negotiations.
Answer - B - A jurisdictional strike is one through which a union seeks to pressure an employer to assign particular work to its members, rather than to member of other unions or to non-union workers.

Key Takeaway: Option A refers to a sympathy strike where employees choose not to cross a picket line out of support for striking workers. A strike which occurs even though the collective bargaining agreement contains a no-strike clause is a wildcat strike (option C). A strike used by a union to pressure an employer to grant some sort of concession from the employer during collective bargaining negotiations is an economic strike.
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