SPHR Human Resources

Category - Rewards

If an employee is entitled to minimum wage, protections under child labor and equal pay, and overtime if he or she works in excess of 40 hours per week, is the employee exempt or non-exempt?
  1. Exempt
  2. Non-exempt
Answer - B - If an employee is entitled to minimum wage, protections under child labor and equal pay, and overtime if he or she works in excess of 40 hours per week, the employee is non-exempt.

Key Takeaway: According to the FLSA, an employee in any given business must be classified as either exempt or nonexempt. In order to be exempt, an employee must be paid a salary of at least $23,660 per year. An employee who is entitled to hourly pay (at minimum wage or above), overtime, and protections under child labor and equal pay, that employee is considered to be non-exempt.
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