SPHR Human Resources

Category - Strategy

Of the following outputs, which is least likely to be supported by information that is generated from an HRIS?
  1. Increasing overall employee productivity
  2. Identifying and rewarding top performers
  3. Increasing overall employee commitment
  4. Placing the right people in the right jobs at the right times
Answer - C - Although it is important to recognize and exploit the benefits that can ultimately accrue from an HRIS, it is equally important to recognize the limitations of an HRIS. There are points at which a line must be drawn, and at which technology becomes far less relevant and effective than human beings. Increasing employee commitment is one of those points.

Key Takeaway: An HRIS should provide information that can be used to increase overall employee productivity. An HRIS should provide information that can be used to identify and reward top performers. An HRIS should provide information that will support placing the right people in the right jobs at the right time.
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