SPHR Human Resources

Category - Strategy

In the “selling” quadrant of Hersey and Blanchard’s situational leadership model, employees
  1. Have mastered the technical aspects of the job and can function independently.
  2. Have shifted their focus from learning a specific task to instruction and/or mentoring others in the organization on how to perform the function.
  3. Have developed basic skills related to the task and can benefit from additional background and information about the task.
  4. Need to focus on developing self-confidence in their abilities, selling themselves, in a sense, on their own ability to perform a particular task.
Answer - C - An employee who falls into the “selling” quadrant with respect to one particular task has not fully mastered the technical aspects of the position and cannot yet function in a fully independent manner.

Key Takeaway: None of the four quadrants in this model addresses the function of employees instructing or mentoring others. Additionally, employees in this quadrant have not yet developed their skills or knowledge relative to a particular skill to the point where they should focus their efforts on developing confidence; they need to continue working on practicing and honing the skill.
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