SPHR Human Resources

Category - Planning

Which court case identified adverse impact as being an unlawful employment practice?
  1. Taxman v. Board of Education of Piscataway
  2. Griggs v. Duke Power Co.
  3. Faragher v. City of Boca Raton
  4. Harris v. Forklift Systems
Answer - B - Griggs v. Duke Power Co. identified adverse impact as being an unlawful employment practice.

Key Takeaway: Griggs v. Duke Power Co. was a court case tried before the US Supreme Court in 1970 concerning workplace discrimination. Prior to this case (and especially prior to the Civil Rights Act of 1964), Duke Power Co. generally separated its employees by race. After the passage of the Civil Rights Act, the company moved to requiring either a minimum score on an IQ test or a high school diploma for better positions. Because African Americans were less likely to have a diploma at the time or access to education, the Supreme Court ruled that they were “disparately” impacted and discriminated against.
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