SPHR Human Resources

Category - Strategy

You’ve been asked to make a recommendation relative to a new HRIS for your organization, and you need to collect information to assist you in formulating that recommendation. During the HRIS needs assessment, it would be important for you to ask all of the following questions except
  1. To what degree are current employees familiar with the new system?
  2. What financial resources can you commit to purchasing and implementing the system?
  3. What human and capital resources will be required to support implementation of the system?
  4. What financial, human and capital resources will be required to support and maintain the system?
Answer - A - The degree to which current employees are familiar with the new system is relatively unimportant as long as communication is effective, training is provided, and support is available.

Key Takeaway: Options B, C, and D each represent important questions to ask before selecting a Human Resource Information Systems.
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