Red Seal Cook

Category - Meat and Poultry

What is the reason for pressing sweetbreads?
  1. Pressing sweetbreads improves their texture
  2. Pressing sweetbreads removes any blood that may still be present after cleaning
  3. Pressing sweetbreads improves their flavour
  4. Pressing sweetbreads helps shape them, making them easier to work with when preparing
Answer: A - Pressing sweetbreads improves their texture. Sweetbreads can be prepared in a number of ways but before they can be fabricated they must be properly cleaned and pressed. Cleaned sweetbreads are wrapped tightly into a log in cheesecloth and both ends are tied with butcher’s twine. They are then placed in a hotel pan, and topped with a half size hotel pan which is then weighted down. They can be pressed for a few hours or overnight in the fridge.
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