SPHR Human Resources

Category - Risk

Under OSHA, employees enjoy all of the following except
  1. The right to notify their employer or OSHA about workplace hazards. You may ask OSHA to keep your name confidential.
  2. The right to ask OSHA to maintain your confidentiality.
  3. The right to request an OSHA inspection if you believe that there are unsafe and unhealthful conditions in your workplace.
  4. The right to file a compliant with OSHA within 45 days of discrimination by your employer for making safety and health complaints or for exercising your rights under the OSH Act.
Answer - D - As an employee, you have the right to file a compliant with OSHA within 30 days if your employer has discriminated against you for making a safety and health complaint or for exercising your rights.

Key Takeaway: Options A, B, C all are rights employees have under OSHA. Employees may notify the employer or OSHA about workplace hazards, request for confidentiality, and have the right to request an OSHA inspection if they believe unsafe and/or unhealthful conditions exist in the workplace.
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