SPHR Human Resources

Category - Risk

According to OSHA standards, which of the following types of workplace hazard receives first priority when it comes to inspections?
  1. Imminent danger
  2. Employee complaints
  3. Programmed High
  4. Catastrophes and Fatal
Answer - A - According to OSHA standards, workplace hazards deemed as being in “imminent danger” receive first priority when it comes to inspections.

Key Takeaway: Before normal OSHA enforcement procedures can take place, there has to be a reasonable certainty that either serious injury or death will occur due to existing problems and hazards within a workplace. Those businesses with hazards deemed as being in “imminent danger,” therefore, receive first priority. Although you may want to assume that catastrophes and fatal incidents would receive a higher priority, because they have already occurred, there is little that OSHA can do at that point. From their standpoint, it is better to focus upon and stop any possible catastrophes from happening.
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