SPHR Human Resources

Category - Risk

The union representative has requested copies of all the incident reports filed during the last year. You are required to do what?
  1. Furnish copies of the “Tell us about the case” section within seven calendar days.
  2. Furnish the copies by the end of the next business day.
  3. Furnish copies within 15 calendar days, but only of the “Tell us about the case” section.
  4. Furnish the copies by the end of the day.
Answer - A - The union representative is entitled to receive copies of incident reports with the identifying information omitted.

Key Takeaway: Employers have seven calendar days to provide the information to an employee representative. Copies of the OSHA 300 log must be provided by the end of the following business day when requested by employees or their representatives. Options C and D do not apply to OSHA requirements.
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