SPHR Human Resources

Category - Relations

A supervisor has called an employee in for an interview about an inventory shortage. When the supervisor begins asking questions, the employee invokes his Weingarten rights. The supervisor has the option to do which of the following?
  1. Stop the discussion while the employee calls an attorney.
  2. Stop the discussion until the shop steward is available upon return from vacation in four days.
  3. Discontinue the interview, and make the determination based on other evidence and documentation.
  4. Continue the interview while waiting for a co-worker to return from lunch.
Answer - C - The employer may decide to use other facts available without interviewing the employee.

Key Takeaway: Weingarten rights give all union members the right to request a co-worker or shop steward be present during an interview if the employee believes the interview could lead to disciplinary action. Weingarten ruling does not entitle employees to have an attorney present, and employers are not required to wait for a lengthy period of time until the co-worker returns. In addition, the interview must be discontinued while waiting for the co-worker.
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