SPHR Human Resources

Category - Relations

FEPAs are
  1. State or local agencies that provide employers and unions with a list of qualified arbitrators
  2. State or local agencies that have anti-discrimination laws and agencies responsible for enforcing those laws
  3. State or local agencies that are responsible for administering and enforcing the rights established by the NLRA
  4. State or local agencies responsible for approving the recognition of union federations
Answer - B- Fair Employment Practices Agencies are state or local agencies responsible for enforcing anti-discrimination laws.

Key Takeaway: Option A is not the best choice, since there are no state or local agencies that provide employers and unions with lists of qualified arbitrators (the American Arbitration Association does though). Option C is not the best option, since there are no state or local agencies responsible for administering and enforcing the rights established by the NLRA (but the NLRB does this on a national level). Option D is not the best choice, since there are no state or local agencies responsible for approving the recognition of union federations.
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