Red Seal Cook

Category - Sauces

How is Nantua sauce made?
  1. Gruyere and parmesan are added to béchamel. The sauce is thinned with scalded cream and finished with whole butter.
  2. Diced, blanched onion is sweated with butter. Béchamel, cream and a small amount of sugar are added. Mixture is strained before service.
  3. Crayfish butter and heavy cream are added to béchamel. Finished with paprika and diced crayfish meat.
  4. Dijon mustard is added to béchamel.
Answer: C - Nantua is a classical derivative sauce made from béchamel. For 1L of béchamel, you would add 125 mL heavy cream, 175g crayfish butter, and enough paprika to add a pinkish hue. The finished sauce is garnished with diced crayfish meat.
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