SPHR Human Resources

Category - Rewards

Which of the following did the REA not accomplish?
  1. Lowered the minimum age requirements for pension plan participation, and increased the years of service that count for vesting purposes
  2. Prohibited plans from counting maternity and paternity leaves as breaks in service for participation and vesting purposes
  3. Required qualified pension plans to provide automatic survivor benefits that could be waived only with the written consent of the plan participant
  4. Clarified that pension plans may obey certain qualified domestic relations orders without violating ERISA
Answer - C - The Retirement Equity Act requires that the participant and his or her spouse must waive the provision that provides for automatic survivor benefits. This provision cannot be waived independently by the plan participant, as Option C implies.

Key Takeaway: Options A, B, and D all state an accomplishment of the REA.
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