Red Seal Cook

Category - Safety and Sanitation

A cook slips on a wet floor and breaks her arm. Under OHSA standards, who is responsible for reporting the injury to the Ministry of Labour?
  1. The employee
  2. The employer
  3. Both the employee and the employer are responsible for filing separate reports
  4. Neither - reporting critical injuries is voluntary
Answer: B - Under the OHSA, the only time an employer must file an injury report with the Ministry of Labour is if it’s considered to be a “critical injury”. In this case, the employee has sustained a critical injury, putting the onus on the employer to file a report. Were this a less serious injury, the employer would have no legal obligation to report the injury and it would be at the discretion of the worker to file a WHMIS report. Employees are free to file a WHMIS report any time they have been injured on the job.
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