ServSafe / Food Safety Practice Test - Question List

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When storing food currently at room temperatue, it must be cooled from 70°F to 40°F in how many hours?

  1. 2 hours
  2. 4 hours
  3. 6 hours
  4. 1 hour

What is the only way to prevent backflow in drainage and sewage pipes?

  1. Floor drain
  2. Municipal drains
  3. Air gap
  4. There is no way to prevent backflow
218. Wheezing, hives, and puffy eyes are symptoms of:
  1. Food borne pathogens
  2. Norovirus
  3. Allergies
  4. Really hot soup

Which of the following is NOT a common characteristic of potentially hazardous foods?

  1. They have a low water activity
  2. They are neutral or slightly acidic
  3. They have a high protein content
  4. All of the above are common characteristics of potentially hazardous foods

When you are receiving a delivery of food for your establishment, it is important that you:

  1. Refrigerate the food
  2. Make sure the delivery is acceptable
  3. Sign the delivery slip
  4. Have the cooks inspect the food

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