ServSafe / Food Safety Practice Test - Question List

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6. What is the first action someone should take when entering the restaurant for a work shift?
  1. Sign their time card/ clock in
  2. Wash hands
  3. Change into work clothes
  4. Communicate with the staff
7. To avoid foods spoiling in the refrigerator or freezer, which of the following actions is always recommended?
  1. Placing the oldest product on top of newer product
  2. Ordering foods for a few days at a time only
  3. Placing a date of arrival on all foods
  4. Smelling the food to make sure it is fresh

The minimum internal temperature at which poultry products should always be cooked is:

  1. 185 °F
  2. 165 °F
  3. 155 °F
  4. 135 °F
9. When you are not feeling well and have a sore throat or diarrhea, you should:
  1. Tell your coworkers that you are sick and to keep a distance
  2. Wash your hands constantly during your shift
  3. Take some medicine and continue to work
  4. Stay at home

The “Danger Zone” for biological growth in food is defined as:

  1. 32 °F to 160 °F
  2. 36 °F to 140 °F
  3. 40 °F to 140°F
  4. 40 °F to 160 °F

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