MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

In a gymnasium, which of the following conditions is most likely to pose the greatest risk of injury during basketball games?
  1. An emergency telephone mounted on the wall just beyond a baseline of the court.
  2. A pile of mats in one corner of the gym outside the end line and base-line of the court.
  3. A nonfunctioning overhead fluorescent light at mid-court.
  4. A narrow safety zone between an end line of the court and a gym wall.
Correct Response: D. Because students are moving quickly and focused on the ball and other players during a game, a narrow safety zone risks the possibility of students crossing the end line moving at a speed too great to be able to stop before running into the wall. An emergency phone on the wall does not present a significant physical obstruction and would be a valuable safety precaution (A). A pile of mats outside the baseline would cushion any inadvertent contact and present no safety issue unless they are so close to the baseline they present a tripping hazard (B). One nonfunctioning light is not a safety hazard if other lights are working and the court is adequately lit for use (C).
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