MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

The Internet is likely to be most useful to physical education students for which of the following research purposes?
  1. Locating appropriate resources for individual physical activities and nutritional needs and guidelines.
  2. Finding information on the manufacturers of various fitness products and equipment.
  3. Estimating the number of universal games that exist in various countries under different names.
  4. Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of various physical fitness regimens.
Correct Response: A. Many Web sites provide useful information about local physical activity and recreation areas and facilities, such as parks, playing fields, hiking and biking trails, fitness centers, and community sports and recreational clubs. Others provide reliable information on nutrition needs, guidelines, and recommendations for weight management. Using the Internet to locate information on the manufacturers of various fitness products and equipment, while possible, would not be especially useful to students (B). It would be unrealistic and overly challenging to try to determine numbers of universal games through Internet resources (C). Although many types of fitness routines and regimens are described on Web sites, the instructions do not generally include comparison of details with others (D).
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