MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

A student is learning a new complex motor skill. The student will most likely benefit from the principle of transfer of learning if the:
  1. New motor skill is similar to one already mastered.
  2. Student is open to feedback from both teachers and peers.
  3. New motor skill is a discrete skill rather than a continuous one.
  4. Student has no preconceived notions about the motor
Correct Response: A. The principle of transfer of learning in the context of motor skill acquisition states that knowledge of a previously learned skill will promote learning of a new skill if the two skills share the same movement pattern or are similar in technique. Positive transfer of learning occurs when there is a similarity between both skills or when both skills require the same cognitive process.  Remaining open to feedback (B) is important in any learning experience, but feedback is not central to the principle of transfer of learning. The transfer of learning principle applies to discrete and continuous skills (C) and to learning situations in which the student may or may not hold preconceived notions about the new skill (D)
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