MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Which of the following procedures is likely to be most important in ensuring that a physical education facility remains free of safety hazards?
  1. Documenting general safety concerns noted by students and parents/guardians and sending them to school administrators.
  2. Making sure that safety inspections occur regularly and that resulting concerns are quickly addressed.
  3. Comparing physical education safety procedures to occupational safety standards and matching procedures to industry standards.
  4. Networking with physical education teachers who serve similar school populations and discussing common safety issues.
Correct Response: B. Facilities and equipment must be checked for safety concerns on a regular basis and any issues immediately addressed. Continued use of known unsafe facilities or equipment presents a risk of injury to users and a situation for liability. Safety concerns voiced by students or parents/guardians should be investigated and remedied if needed; making a record of them does not protect student safety or avoid negligence issues (A). Physical education activities are unique to the field and require their own appropriate standards for safety (C). Discussing safety concerns with other teachers is useful for recognizing issues and developing solutions, but on its own is not enough to ensure student safety unless actions are taken to remedy any problems (D).
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