MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

During a lesson on kicking, the physical education teacher notices that some students fail to step forward with their kicking foot and leap onto their nonkicking foot just before the kick. Which of the following strategies would be most helpful in adapting this activity to address these issues?
  1. Place a plastic cone in front of each student's dominant side and instruct students to step, leap, and kick without a ball, trying to skim the cone.
  2. Sprinkle powder on the lower half of balls and encourage students to step, leap, and kick and then check the ball to see where their foot made contact.
  3. Have students concentrate on a design element on the balls (e.g., a seam, a pattern, a label) to improve their focus and technique during the kick.
  4. Place two poly spots at the desired distances in front of each student and instruct students to step on one and leap onto the other before contacting the ball.
Correct Response: D. Using poly spots and specifying the action(s) to perform at each one will help students break down and master individually the discrete actions required for kicking, and will help clarify the linked sequence of actions. Though the cone strategy may encourage development of leaping skills, it does not provide for integrating the skill with actually kicking a ball (A). Offering visual aids for the point of contact with the ball (B) and (C) can help improve a student's kicking action and accuracy, but does not contribute to kinesthetic understanding of how to execute and connect the step- leap-kick sequence. 
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