MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

In cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), the key objective of rescue breathing and chest compressions is to:
  1. Clear a foreign-body obstruction in the airway of an unconscious victim.
  2. Oxygenate and circulate the blood in a victim whose heart has stopped beating.
  3. Shock the heart of a victim of cardiac arrest so that a normal heart rhythm is resumed.
  4. Provide artificial ventilation for a victim who is in severe respiratory distress.
Correct Response: B. CPR is used to artificially pump blood in the body of a person whose heart has stopped functioning properly. Rescue breathing pushes air into the lungs, and chest compressions pump oxygenated blood to the brain. The airway should be checked and cleared if necessary before beginning rescue breathing and compressions (A). An electrical shock administered by emergency personnel using a defibrillator would be required to restart a heart that has stopped beating (C). A person who is in respiratory distress is still breathing, hence CPR should not be started but emergency assistance should be activated (D)
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