MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

When a baseball or tennis player swings a bat or racket, the greatest amount of force will be delivered to the ball at impact when:
  1. The player avoids stretching the shoulder muscles during the backswing.
  2. The angular velocity of the swinging implement is as fast as possible.
  3. The player reduces the speed of the strike just before impact with the ball.
  4. The linear motion of the swinging implement remains level throughout the strike.
Correct Response: B. The momentum of the bat or racket as a player swings it is its angular velocity, and the greater the angular velocity, the greater the force delivered. Ideally, the bat or racket should reach maximum angular velocity immediately before contact with the ball. Force is diminished if a player decreases the distance of the rotational movement used in the swing. A preparatory action, or windup, is used to lengthen the distance of movement. Not allowing the shoulder to stretch back into the windup or backswing (A) would shorten the swing and diminish its force. Similarly, reducing the speed of the strike just before impact (C) would reduce the velocity of its movement and, thus, its force. The linear motion of the swinging implement (D) is more likely to influence the direction in which the ball is hit than the force applied to it. 
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