MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

An individual performs three sets of curls with the same weights four days a week to strengthen the biceps. This best illustrates which of the following principles of training?
  1. The principle of specificity of exercise.
  2. The principle of progression.
  3. The principle of reversibility of training effects.
  4. The principle of recuperation.
Correct Response: A. Training adaptations are highly specific to the type of exercise performed. According to the principle of specificity, an exercise must stress the specific physiological system in which improvement is desired (e.g., a specific muscle group, the aerobic pathway). In this case, the biceps are the focus. The principle of progression (B) states that as improvements are made, the amount of effort must progress to higher levels to continue achieving improvements in strength and endurance. The principle of the reversibility of training (C) states that if a training program is not maintained the level of fitness will decline. The principle of recuperation (D) states that a period of rest is necessary for the body to recover from a hard workout in order to achieve optimal training adaptations. 
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