MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

The goals of an elementary physical education program include promoting students' sense of self-worth and perception of physical competence, as well as fostering their appreciation and enjoyment of group and team games. These goals are specifically designed to address which area of student development?
  1. Social-emotional development
  2. Intellectual development.
  3. Motor development.
  4. Moral development.
Correct Response: A. Promoting students' sense of self-worth, positive perceptions of physical competence, and enjoyment and appreciation of group activities is essential for helping students achieve well-being, emotional health, and positive interpersonal and social skills. Intellectual, motor, and moral development, (B), (C), and (D), would most likely be addressed by other types of program goals, such as those related to understanding skills, strategies, movement mechanics, and fair play. 
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