MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

An isometric muscle action is characterized by the production of force:
  1. As a muscle lengthens due to extension of a joint.
  2. Through movement generated in opposition to the downward pull of gravity.
  3. As a muscle shortens due to flexion of a joint.
  4. Through tension and muscle contraction without movement.
Correct Response: D. When a muscle exerts force with no change in muscle length or in the angle of a joint to which it connects, it remains static and is in isometric contraction. Pushing against a wall, holding a heavy object above one's head, or staying in the up position of a push-up are examples of isometric exercises. A movement that lengthens a muscle due to extension of a joint (A) is an eccentric action, and a movement that increases tension on a muscle as it shortens due to joint flexion (C) is a concentric action. When movement is generated in opposition to gravity (B), the muscle action would be either eccentric or concentric, not isometric. 
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