MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Which of the following techniques is most appropriate for players to keep in mind when dribbling a soccer ball?
  1. Alternating between the two feet in kicking the ball and keeping the eyes on the ball.
  2. Moving at a speed faster than a walk and keeping the ball within two to four feet of the body.
  3. Traveling in a zigzag pathway and keeping the ball directly below the head while moving.
  4. Using a running motion to travel and delivering a series of taps to the ball with the foot.
Correct Response: D. Dribbling with the feet involves using steady touches or taps to move the ball forward or sideways while using a running motion to travel. The nonsupporting foot is used. Dribbling does not require alternating use of the feet, nor keeping the eyes on the ball (A); rather, the head and eyes are kept up to maintain direction and awareness of other players. The ball should be controlled as close to the feet as possible rather than within a sphere of a few feet (B). Although students should vary pathways to evade opponents, a traveling pathway (C) would be determined by the dynamics of play on the field. 
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