MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Which of the following approaches is likely to be most effective in fostering appropriate attitudes about body composition and body image in children?
  1. Emphasizing that individuals come in a variety of sizes and shapes within a range of healthy body weights.
  2. Encouraging children to adopt the eating patterns and dietary choices favored by their family and culture.
  3. Instructing children how to determine their body mass index and encouraging them to check it often.
  4. Promoting children's ability to identify and compare variations in individual fitness levels among classmates.
Correct Response: A. Individuals with healthy attitudes about body image and composition recognize that there is not one ideal body shape or size, but that humans beings have a variety of body shapes and sizes and a range of healthy body weights. Encouraging children to measure and regularly check their BMI (C) or compare their fitness levels and variations to those of others (D) may cause or increase anxiety about body composition and body image. Encouraging healthy eating patterns is important for achieving healthy levels of body composition, but family and culture-based dietary practices (B) vary and may not always include optimal nutritional choices. 
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