MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

For forehand and backhand volleys in tennis, which of the following techniques leads to a pivot on the back foot and a step toward the net, thus allowing a player to contact the ball in front of the body?
  1. Pointing the dominant elbow toward the opponent during the swing.
  2. Bending the knees and keeping the back vertical.
  3. Turning the shoulders early in preparation for the swing.
  4. Rotating the racquet clockwise so the palm is on top of the racket.
Correct Response: C. Turning the shoulders early in preparation for a tennis swing helps a player execute the movement known as the pivot and shoulder turn or unit turn, in which the body turns sideways as a unit. For example, in preparation for a forehand, a player begins to turn the shoulders sideways, pivots with the outside foot, and transfers weight to the outside foot. This opens up the hips, making it easier to finish turning the shoulders, and moves the tennis racket back. Because the shoulder turn initiates the backswing, the arms should not be working to get the racket back at this point in the forehand. The movements described in A, B, and D would not contribute to or directly lead into a pivot and shoulder turn. 
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