MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Which of the following is an appropriate technique to emphasize to children who are practicing throwing a ball using an underhand throw?
  1. Releasing the ball at chest level on the throw.
  2. Stopping the action of the follow through just after releasing the ball.
  3. Beginning the throw with the side of the body facing the target.
  4. Taking one step forward with the foot opposite the throwing hand.
Correct Response: D. A forward step with the leg opposite the throwing arm counterbalances the arm movement and provides stability as an underhand throw is executed. As the step is made, the front, rather than the side, of the body should face the desired direction of the throw (C). The ball should be released at or below waist level, not chest level (A), and the throwing arm should follow through, continuing the arc of the throwing motion after releasing the ball (B)
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