MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Which of the following locomotor skills is typically most difficult for five year olds to perform?
  1. Jogging across the length of a classroom.
  2. Walking along a low balance beam.
  3. Hopping on one foot from one end of a classroom to the other end.
  4. Walking along a circular pattern marked by tape on the floor.
Correct Response: C. Hopping is a locomotor skill that requires the ability to balance on one foot; typically, children should be able to demonstrate a mature hopping pattern by second grade. The hop involves taking off from one foot, sustaining a brief period of nonsupport, and landing on the same foot. Because hopping requires balance on one side of the body, counterbalance from the opposite side of the body, leg strength, and coordination of the step and swing of the knee up and forward, it is more challenging than walking or jogging. Walking along a low balance beam (B) and a circular path on the floor (D) both involve balance but are executed with both feet in contact with a surface, making them easier to master than hopping. Jogging (A) shifts balance from one foot to the other and presents little difficulty to five year olds. 
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