MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

A female high school student is concerned about doing strength-training exercises in a fitness class. She tells the physical education teacher that she wants to be stronger, but not at the cost of developing large muscles. Which of the following is an accurate principle to include in a response to this concern?
  1. Toned muscles are necessary for gains in size and strength, so only females who begin training with well-defined muscles will develop larger ones.
  2. Although training improves the weight-bearing capacity of bones and joints, it has little effect on the muscular strength of females.
  3. Training promotes considerable gains in strength but only slight increases in muscle bulk because of females' low testosterone levels.
  4. Only lower body training causes females to gain significant muscle bulk because their leg strength-to-weight ratios are higher than male ratios.
Correct Response: C. While resistance exercises and proper diet can contribute to increasing muscle strength and size, the hormone testosterone is required for significant growth in muscle mass. Females have lower rates of testosterone production than males, and so do not generally develop large muscle mass, even while they effectively train to increase muscle strength (B), endurance, and tone. This is true, whether or not a female begins training with well-toned muscles (A), or focuses on the lower body (D)
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