SPHR Human Resources

Category - Planning

You’ve recently been given feedback that the on boarding process is too cumbersome, time-consuming, and overly focused on administrative paperwork. You’re focusing on a number of areas where you can streamline and improve this process, including how verification of employees’ identity and employment is handled. Which of the following would be an appropriate step to consider?
  1. Send new hires a list of acceptable documents that they can bring to establish identity and eligibility to work when you send out their offer letter.
  2. Instead of having new hires prepare their I-9s on their first day of employment, ask them to submit all required paperwork before they actually start work
  3. Have the newly hired employees complete the entire I-9 form, except for the signature section, to minimize the number of times that the I-9 needs to be passed back and forth between HR and the employee.
  4. Allow employees a full week to present their I-9 documents. In that way, the administrative responsibilities associated with on boarding can be spread over a longer period of time.
Answer - A - Although anyone who has started a new job since 1986 should be familiar with the requirement to present documents proving identity and eligibility to legally work in the United States, sending new hires a list of acceptable documents along with their offer letter gives them ample time to pull together the required materials. It also reaffirms that a wide range of documents is acceptable and that none is preferred over any other.

Key Takeaway: Option B is not the best response, since the I-9 form specifically states that the form is to be “completed and signed by employee at the time employment begins.” Option C is not the best response, since a certain portion of the I-9 must be completed by the employer. Option D is not the best response, since the I-9 form must be completed within the first three business days of the new hire’s employment.
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