SPHR Human Resources

Category - Rewards

What act requires all government contractors with contracts exceeding $10,000 (for everything that is not construction work) to pay their employees the real, prevailing wage for their locality, as established by the Secretary of Labor?
  1. Service Contract Act
  2. Walsh Healey Public Contracts Act
  3. Fair Labor Standards Act
  4. Davis Bacon Act
Answer - B - The Walsh Healey Act requires all government contractors with contracts exceeding $10,000 to pay their employees the real, prevailing wage for their locality, as established by the Secretary of Labor.

Key Takeaway: The 1936 Walsh-Healey Act is a federal law that protects the employees of government contractors who have holdings over $10,000. Under the act, which was part of the New Deal, the employees where guaranteed overtime if they worked more than eight hours a day or 30 hours a week, set the minimum age, and set basic standards for child labor laws.
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