SPHR Human Resources

Category - Planning

You strongly prefer to conduct directive interviews, because in your experience you end up with better information and can make better hiring recommendations to your client managers. At the beginning of one particular interview, the candidate pulls out a list of questions that she wants to ask you before she decides whether to proceed with the balance of the interview. Which of the following response would be most appropriate?
  1. Explain to the candidate that you use a directive approach to interviewing and that it helps you make better hiring recommendations. As such, you’ll be happy to answer her questions at the end of the interview.
  2. Explain to the candidate that you will be happy to answer her questions at the end of the interview, once she has had an opportunity to answer the questions that you will be asking her.
  3. Since there is nothing to be gained by getting into a confrontation with a candidate, you decide to answer her questions. Besides, in light of her approach, you’ve already decided to eliminate her from consideration for the position.
  4. Since there is nothing to be gained by getting into a confrontation with a candidate, you decide to answer her questions. Besides, in light of her approach, you think she might have just the kind of spunk and tenacity that this organization needs.
Answer - B - As the interviewer, you are in control of the interview. There is no need to cede that control simply because a candidate asks you to. Option B also responds to the candidate’s request in a positive manner; you are not telling her “no,” but rather “not now.”

Key Takeaway: Option A is not the best response, since it is not necessary to explain to the candidate why you have chosen to structure the interview in a particular way. Neither option C nor option D is the best response for a couple of reasons. First you have ceded control of the interview to the candidate simply because she asked you to do so. In addition, in both scenarios, you made assumptions (sweeping judgments) about this candidate based on a single behavior that is not necessarily accurate or reflective of how that candidate would behave in the workplace.
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