SPHR Human Resources

Category - Risk

Which of the following is not mandated by the General Duty Clause?
  1. Employers must ensure a safe workplace.
  2. Employers must comply with all current and future OSHA-related standards.
  3. Employees must report all work-related injuries resulting in hospitalization (emergency room or in-patient) to their employer.
  4. Employees must follow all safety and health-related rules steaming from the OSH Act.
Answer - C - Employees must report all work-related injuries to their employer, whether or not the injury reports in-patient hospitalization.

Key Takeaway: Options A, B, C are all responsibilities that are mandated by the General Duty Clause. The General Duty Clause of the OSH Act identifies two primary duties for employers and one for employees, which all subsequent requirements are ultimately built upon. Employers must ensure a safe workplace and employers must comply with all current and future OSHA-related standards. Employees have the duty that they must follow all safety and health-related rules stemming from the Act.
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