Civil Engineering PE

Category - Hydraulics - Closed

With regards to energy losses caused by fittings, bends and valves in a piping system, which of the following statement is not correct?
  1. These losses are minor in comparison to friction losses
  2. The loss factor is typically provided for specific devices
  3. Losses are proportional to the velocity of flow and geometry of the device
  4. None of the above
Answer: D - All of the statements listed are correct with regards to energy losses caused by fittings, bends and valves in a piping system. Losses associated with fittings, bends, and valves are considered minor in comparison to friction losses, which are considered to be major. The loss factor, K, is typically provided by the device manufacturer. The velocity of flow and the geometry of a device are proportional to the losses, as demonstrated in the following equation:

hL - K (V2/2g)
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