Civil Engineering PE

Category - Earth Structures

Which of the following equations is used for evaluating a retaining structure’s factor of safety of against overturning (FSo)?
  1. FSo = (resisting moment) / (overturning force)
  2. FSo = (resisting force) / (overturning force)
  3. FSo = (resisting moment) / (overturning moment)
  4. FSo = (resisting force) / (overturning moment)
Answer: C - The equation [FSo = (resisting moment) / (overturning moment)] is used for evaluating a retaining structure’s factor of safety with respect to overturning. Typically, a minimum factor of safety of 2.0 to 3.0 is considered necessary for a retaining wall to resist rotating outward around the toe of the wall. FSo is expressed as follows:

FSo = ∑Mr / ∑Mo

Where ∑Mr is the sum of the resisting moments around the toe and ∑Mo is the sum of the overturning moments around the toe
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