Civil Engineering PE

Category - Struct Analysis

Which of the following philosophies is described as follows: “If the behavior of a structure is linearly elastic, the forces acting on it may be separated, and the structure analyzed for separate cases. The final results are found by summing the individual results.”
  1. Castigliano’s First Theorem
  2. Principle of Superposition
  3. Clapeyron’s Equation
  4. None of the above
Answer: B - The Principle of Superposition can be described by the following: “If the behavior of a structure is linearly elastic, the forces acting on it may be separated, and the structure analyzed for separate cases. The final results are found by summing the individual results.” This principle is very useful when analyzing different types of forces acting on a structure. The Principle of Superposition can be applied to reactions, shears, moments, stresses, and strains.
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