Civil Engineering PE
Maintained and Updated as of 2025
Select how would you like to study Path presents our premier exam prep app for Civil Engineering, designed to help you ace the NCEES Principles of Engineering exam.
Our PE Civil Engineering module contains 250+ study questions written to cover all the topics appearing on the AM breadth section. Each question has a detailed explanation of the correct answer to reinforce and expand your civil engineering knowledge.
Our rigorous questions cover all aspects of civil engineering, including:
- Earthwork Construction and Layout
- Estimating Quantities and Costs
- Construction Scheduling
- Material Quality Control and Production
- Temporary Structures
- Subsurface Exploration and Sampling
- Engineering Properties of Soils and Materials
- Soil Mechanics Analysis
- Earth Structures
- Shallow Foundations
- Earth Retaining Structures
- Structural Loadings
- Structural Analysis
- Mechanics of Materials
- Structural Materials
- Member Design
- Transportation
- Hydraulics – Closed Conduit
- Hydraulics – Open Channel
- Hydrology
- Wastewater Treatment
- Water Treatment
Why should you take the Civil Engineering PE Exam?
The Civil Engineering PE exam is a professional engineering licensing exam that is required by many states in the United State to become a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) in civil engineering. Becoming a licensed Professional Engineer can open up new career opportunities and increase earning potential. As a licensed PE, you will be recognized as an expert in your field, which can lead to greater job responsibilities and leadership positions within your company. In addition, many companies prefer to hire licensed engineers for certain positions or projects, so obtaining your PE license can make you a more attractive job candidate.
In many states, passing the Civil Engineering PE exam is a legal requirement for practicing engineering and offering engineering services to the public. The exam tests your knowledge and competency in various areas of civil engineering, including structural design, transportation engineering, water resources engineering, and construction management. The exam also covers professional ethics and responsibilities, which are essential for protecting the public health, safety, and welfare through your work. By passing the PE exam and obtaining your license, you will be able to legally offer engineering services to the public and take on projects that require a licensed engineer.
Holding a PE license is a recognized mark of professionalism and expertise in the field of civil engineering. By passing the PE exam, you will join a community of licensed engineers who are committed to upholding high standards of professionalism and ethics. This can increase your credibility with clients and employers, and demonstrate your commitment to your profession.
As a licensed Professional Engineer, you will have a responsibility to protect the public health, safety, and welfare through your work. This means that you will need to take into account the potential impacts of your projects on the environment and surrounding communities, and design solutions that minimize these impacts. By passing the PE exam and obtaining your license, you will have demonstrated your ability to meet these responsibilities and protect the public. is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by the NCEES or any other organization.
There are 80 questions on the Civil Engineering PE exam with the breakdown varying between the different Civil Engineering PE exams (Construction, Geotechnical, Structural, Transportation, and Water Resources and Environmental).
The Civil Engineering PE exam is 9 hours long.
The passing score of the Civil Engineering PE exam is about 70%.
Passing the Civil Engineering PE exam grants the test taker a Civil Engineering License.
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Ted Chan
Managing Editor
Ted Chan is the Managing Editor of Ted has experience as a journalist and a writer, including editorial or content production roles at ESPN, Better Business Bureau, The Boston Globe, and Forbes. Ted holds a BA from Swarthmore College with High Honors, and a MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management. Ted also studied at the Harvard Business School, earning a Certificate in Value-based Health Care Delivery.
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