SPHR Human Resources

Category - Relations

Which of the following terms refers to a situation in which a business owner operates both a union organization and a non-union organization?
  1. Double-breasting
  2. Double jeopardy
  3. Back-door contract
  4. Underhanded contract
Answer - A - Double-breasting refers to a situation in which a business owner operates both a union organization and non-union organization.

Key Takeaway: Double breasting occurs when there is a common owner of two businesses-one a union shop and the other a nonunion shop. Typically, unions would prefer to include both businesses in an existing bargaining unit due to the common ownership. Traditionally, it was prohibited for unions to strike against the second business as long as that business had different equipment and management, as it was considered to be a secondary boycott. Recently, the NLRB decided that if the owner refuses to bargain or discuss the unionization of the second business, the union may actually strike.
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