SPHR Human Resources

Category - Strategy

Which of the following statements about motivation-hygiene theory is accurate?
  1. Victor Vroom developed it.
  2. “Motivation factors” refer to non-work related factors such as pay, benefits and relationships with co-workers.
  3. Unacceptable hygiene factors won’t cause an employee to be unhappy at work , but unacceptable motivation factors will.
  4. Acceptable or positive motivation factors won’t cause an employee to be happy at work, but acceptable or positive hygiene factors will.
Answer - C - The Motivation-Hygiene theory predicts that positive motivation factors will cause an employee to be happy at work.

Key Takeaway: Vroom developed the Expectancy Theory, which deals with weighing options and making decisions, and Herzberg developed the Motivation-Hygiene theory. Motivation factors refer to work related factors (such as the nature of the work, and the challenge inherent to the work), while hygiene factors refer to the non-work related factors identified in option B. Lastly, acceptable or positive motivation factors will cause an employee to be happy at work, but acceptable or positive hygiene factors won’t.
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