SPHR Human Resources

Category - Strategy

Which of the following factors is least relevant to creating and sustaining credibility during the implementation of a strategic plan?
  1. Securing the support and commitment of senior leadership
  2. Clear, complete, and appropriate documentation of the process
  3. A commitment to follow through on every step of the process
  4. Representative participation from all levels of the organization
Answer - A - Securing the support and commitment of senior leadership is critical to the strategic planning process, but with respect to demonstrating commitment to the strategic planning process rather than with respect to creating and sustaining credibility.

Key Takeaway: Option B is not the best response; clear, complete and appropriate documentation of the process is particularly relevant to creating and sustaining credibility during the implementation of a strategic plan. Option C is not the best as a commitment to following through on every step of the process is particularly relevant to creating and sustaining credibility during the implementation of a strategic plan. Option D is not the best as representative participation from all levels of the organization is particularly relevant to creating and sustaining credibility during the implementation of a strategic plan.
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