SPHR Human Resources

Category - Strategy

Which motivational theory surmises that people are motivated only by the reward they will receive when they succeed and that they will constantly weigh the value of that reward against the effort they believe is required to achieve it?
  1. The ERG Theory
  2. The Expectancy Theory
  3. The Motivation/Hygiene Theory
  4. The Equity Theory
Answer - B - The Expectancy Theory surmises that people are motivated only by the reward they will receive when they succeed and that they will constantly weigh the value of that reward against the effort they believe is required to achieve it.

Key Takeaway: The Expectancy Theory, developed by Victor Vroom in 1964, surmises that people are motivated by the reward they will receive when they succeed at a task. The idea is that the employee will then calculate the level of effort they are required to put in to achieve that goal. This calculation is called the valence.
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