Red Seal Cook

Category - Grains and Plant-Based Proteins

When boiling pasta at an altitude of 400 m, what adjustments will need to be made to cooking procedures?
  1. More water will need to be added to the pot, cooking time increased
  2. More water will need to be added to the pot, cooking time decreased
  3. Less water should be used than required at sea level, cooking time decreased
  4. Less water should be used than required at sea level, cooking time increased
Answer: A - When boiling pasta at an altitude over 305 m, cooking time will need to be increased and more water will need to be used. For every 305 m, the boiling point of water drops 1 °C. Because the boiling point is lower, it will take foods longer to cook as there is not as much heat present. Additionally, because the boiling point is lower at higher altitudes, evaporation occurs sooner than at sea level. As a general rule, cooking time for boiled starches such as pasta should be increased by 20% for every 305 m. The addition of salt raises the boiling point slightly which will help speed up the cooking process.
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