Red Seal Cook

Category - Safety and Sanitation

What steps can be taken to minimize the risk of a customer accidentally ingesting an allergen?
  1. Keep ingredient lists on menus up to date
  2. Keep an up to date recipe binder available for all kitchen staff
  3. Swap out potential allergens with safer alternative products
  4. All of the above
Answer: D - All of the above steps are good measures to prevent cross contamination caused by allergens. To avoid risk of cross contamination, foods that contain common allergens should be swapped out for safer foods when possible - i.e., replacing peanut oil with vegetable oil. Communication with staff and guests is of the utmost importance - ensure that the wait staff understand the importance of communicating customer needs with the kitchen and ensure that the kitchen staff clearly communicate all ingredients in the diner’s meal if there is any risk of allergen contamination.
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